


The Journal of Liberal Arts and Management


Vol.3  November 2006





與長齡新疆治理政策比較研究(下)          陳旺城 

A Comparative Study of the Governmental Policies in Shinjiang by Na Yann Cheng and Chang Ling              Wang-cheng Chen


明清時代組織型勞僱倫理之探討        陳麗貞 

The Union's Employment Relationship on the Ming-Ching Dynasty              Lee -Chen Chen     


學前兒童基本運動能力與性別差異在腦波功率之比較研究         林榮輝 

Does Sex Differences Moderate the Relationship between Basic Motor Ability and Preschooler's Brain Development?An EEG Study     Jung-Huei Lin


從國際環保思潮論析國內休憩觀光發展的政策迷思      玥涓 

A Critique on leisure/recreation/tourism Development by International Thoughts of Environemental Protection               Yueh-Jiuan Shiau   


宜蘭縣社區民眾體適能之分析     黃妙國 

Analyses of The Community Residents' Physical Fitness in Ilan County, Taiwan         Miao-Kuo Huang


幼兒速度跑測驗距離探討與設計        高全寬 

An Investigation and Design of Examination Distance about the Infant's Speed-run           Chen-kuan Kao


宜蘭大學工科學生科技倫理態度及其學習通識教育倫理課程效益之研究       吳銘達 

A Study on the Technology Ethics Attitudes and the Learning Effects of the Ethic Courses of the Students at the Department of Engineering at National I-Lan University          Wu Ming-Ta   


模糊推論方法於決策之應用以航運業者港口選擇為例      王昱傑 

Applying fuzzy reasoning in decision-making for shipping on the ports selestion          Yu-Jie Wang


顧客滿意前因、滿意度與購後行為之探討以壽險為例      邱展謙 

The Relationships among the Antecedents of Customer Satisfaction,Satisfaction and Postpurchase Behavior: An Empirical Study of Life Insurance Indutry                 Chan-Chien Chiu   


台灣銀行在亞洲金融危機中之營運效率分析          李竹芬 

Operating Efficiency Analysis of Taiwan's Banks During Asian Financial Crisis          Chu-Fen Li     


線上遊戲產業的策略態勢分析     陳志忠 

An analysis of strategy posture in Taiwan online game industry             Chih-Chung Chen  


